Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(4): 580-586 (2016)
One of the crucial proteins to in uence type 2
diabetes: The high mobility group A1
Hao Kong, Yancheng Liu, Liting Zheng, Qinglu Wang* and Yujun Zhang
Key Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering & Technology of Shandong High School, Qilu Medical University,
Zibo, 255213, China
HMGA1 have been shown to transactivate promoters through mechanisms that facilitate the assembly and stability
of stereospeci c DNA-protein complexes, which promote gene transcription in response to all kinds of signals. Some
studies have proved that HMGA1 proteins are relate to insulin resistances and type 2 diabetes. The mechanism can
connect with that HMGA1 paticipate in the expression of INSR and IGF-1R; as well as in uence insulin production,
insulin sensitivity, adipocyte differentiation. Some studies have found that human body can exist in HMGAI-p, the
abnomal increasing of HMGAl-p expression can down-regulated the levels of INSR and impair insulin binding. Low-
frequency insertion polymorphism IVS5-13insC has been identi ed and associated with insulin resistance and type
2 diabetes, but con icting results on diverse ethnic groups have caused dif culty in performing clinical translation
of HMGA1 IVS5-13insC genotyping.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 19
Nov, 2016
Accepted after revision 25
Dec, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
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HMGA1 belongs to the high mobility group (HMG)
protein family, comprising all kinds of non-histone
proteins(Reeves, 2001). Within this family, the HMGA
proteins can prior bind to the minor groove of A/T-rich
B-form DNA sequences, because it contain three AT-
hook DNA binding motifs. Although HMGA proteins
have been predicted no intrinsic transcriptional activ-
ity, they could serve as so-called “enhanceosomes” to
promote the assembly and stability of stereospeci c
DNA-protein complexes through transactivate promot-
ers, which facilitate gene transcription in response to
a variety of signals(Reeves, 2001, Thanos, et al., 1995).
Hao Kong et al.
HMGA1 orchestrate a large quantity of various tran-
scription factors, such as Sp1, p150, NF-Y, NF-kB,
ATF-2, c-Jun, TAF3 at gene promoter and enhancer
regions, which participate in gene-speci c transcrip-
tion regulation(Currie, 1997, Leger, et al., 1995, Yie, et
al., 1997, X. M. Zhang, et al., 1999(Huth, et al., 1997,
Messineo, et al., 2016) .
Thus, it regulates the expression of an impressive num-
ber of mammalian genes. Besides, HMGA1 also involved
in many other processes, including embryogenesis, differ-
entiation, and neoplastic transformation (Cleynen, et al.,
2008, Fedele, et al., 2010, Sgarra, et al., 2004). HMGA1a
and HMGA1b were HMGA1 gene encodes spliced iso-
forms, the latter one lacking 11 amino acids between
the  rst and the second AT-hook motif than the former
one(Friedmann, et al., 1993, Nagpal, et al., 1999).
Type 2 diabetes is one of the major and exacerbating
health problems worldwide; type 2 diabetes is shown to
affect 490 million in 2030(P. Zhang, et al., 2010). Strong
genetic in uences and many polymorphisms have been
reproducibly associated with type 2 diabetes(Herder, et
al., 2011, Voight, et al., 2010). Insulin resistance in mus-
cle, liver, and adipose tissues is a primary characteris-
tic of most patients with type 2 diabetes; as such, these
tissues become resistant to endogenous and exogenous
insulin. The interaction of insulin with target tissues
is mediated by insulin receptor (INSR), a glycoprotein
implicated in directing insulin to target cells and initiat-
ing cell responses to insulin. Many of these individuals
have point mutations in the coding sequence of INSR,
the gene that encodes insulin receptor. Receptor abnor-
malities resulting from defects in the generation of INSR
mRNA have been reported in individuals with appar-
ently normal INSR genes, suggesting defects in gene
regulation(Gold ne, 1987).
HMGA1 proteins are over-expressed in virtually every
type of cancer, where their expression levels correlate
with tumor malignancy and a poor outcome for patients
suffering from that particular type of tumor(De Rosa,
et al., 2016, Huso, et al., 2014). But, some studies have
also proved that low-expressed HMGA1 proteins are
relate to insulin resistances and type 2 diabetes(Aiello,
et al., 2010, Foti, et al., 2005) The mechanism can con-
nect with that HMGA1 paticipate in the expression of
INSR and isulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R);
and in uence insulin production, insulin sensitivity,
adipocyte differentiation.
HMGA1 assemble polyprotein-DNA complexes with
protein polymer to positively regulate the activity of
INSR promoter, which bind to the transcription start site
of INSR. Finally, resulting in the positive regulation of
INSR expression and insulin signal transduction(Foti,
et al., 2005, Kolb, et al., 2007, Paonessa, et al., 2006).
Moreover, HMGA1 have also effected on insulin signal
transduction through the positive regulation of IGF-1R
expression(Aiello, et al., 2010). Foti and his colleagues
have found HMGA1 mutation in peripheral blood lym-
phocyte from subjects with insulin resistance and type
2 diabetes, which result in HMGA1 protein were pre-
sent at low expression. Restoration of HMGA1 pro-
tein expression in subjects’ cells enhanced INSR gene
transcription, and restored cell-surface insulin recep-
tor protein expression and insulin-binding capac-
ity. These results show that the decrease of HMGA1
is likely to cause insulin resistances and human type
2 diabetes. In animal study, HMGA1 knock-out mice
were present at considerably decreased insulin recep-
tor expression in the major targets of insulin action,
largely impaired insulin signaling, causing a pheno-
type characteristic of human type 2 diabetes(Foti, et al.,
Arcidiacono and his colleagues provided evidence that
HMGA1 physically interacts with PDX-1 (the pancre-
atic and duodenal homeobox factor-1) and MafA (V-maf
musculoaponeurotic  brosarcoma oncogene homolog A),
two critical transcription factors for insulin gene expres-
sion and beta-cell function, both in vitro and in vivo(Hay,
et al., 2006). They also show that the over-expression
of HMGA1 signi cantly improves the transactivating
activity of PDX-1and MafA on human and mouse insu-
lin promoters, while HMGA1 knockdown considerably
decreased this transactivating activity. In addition, they
demonstrate that HMGA1 may act as a glucose-sensitive
element controlling the transcription of the insulin gene,
because high glucose stimulus remarkably increases
the binding of HMGA1 to the insulin gene promoter.
According to the above analysis, HMGA1, by regulating
PDX-1- and MafA-induced transactivation of the insulin
gene promoter, is witnessed by affected pancreatic beta-
cell function and insulin production(Arcidiacono, et al.,
Hao Kong et al.
Due to the restriction of medical ethics, we could not do
an in-depth study for  nite patients with HMGA1 muta-
tion. Thus, some researchers carry on depth studies via
animal model. A study showed that the expression of
insulin receptor is off by 90% and appear to hypergly-
cemia simultaneously in Hmga1-knockout mice. But, in
Hmga1-knockout mice peripheral insulin hypersensitiv-
ity paradoxically coexisted with a condition of impaired
glucose tolerance and overt diabetes. Moreover, the
expression of the insulin-regulatable glucose transporter
4 (Glut4) was increased in muscular tissue (Foti, et al.,
2005). We could not precisely explain that the sensitivity
to insulin emerged discrepancy between peripheral tis-
sues from human and mouse.
This phenomenon showed that the existence of
molecular adaptation mechanisms in Hmga1-knockout
mice. Two systems are now considered to explain this
1. The cAMP-HMGA1-RBP4 system: adipose tissue
can release of the adipose-derived serum RBP4,
which its amounts have a negative correlation
with the expression of Glut4 (Yang, et al., 2005).
RBP4-knockout mice appear to insulin hypersen-
sitivity. Provided exogenous RBP4 or over-expres-
sion RBP4 in body can induce insulin resistance.
However, HMGA1-knockout mice really existed the
decreasing of RBP4 mRNA and peripheral blood
RBP4 levels. Then, exogenous RBP4 were correct-
ed the enhancing of Glut4 in the muscle tissue
of HMGA1-knockout mice, and correspondently,
the unusual high effect of insulin reduces blood
sugar was declined remarkably. In the study on
wild-type mice, found that glucagon can stimulate
the expression of HMGA1 and RBP4, whereas this
situation could not emerge on HMGA1-knockout
mice. Thus, HMGA1 plays an direct role in RBP4
promoter to paticipate in pancreatic glucagon
stimulate the expression of RBP4. Because pan-
creatic glucagon release is regulated by the cAMP
pathway, hence, thinking of that cAMP is regula-
tory factor for HMGA1 and RBP4 gene(Chiefari,
et al., 2009).
2. (2)The HMGA1-IGF-I/IGFBP System: Numerous
results of experimental and clinical studies evi-
dence that IGF-I plays a vital role in normal car-
bohydrate metabolism(Woods, et al., 2000, Yakar,
et al., 2001). The IGF-binding proteins 1 (IG-
FBP1) and 3 (IGFBP3), two major members of the
IGF-binding protein superfamily, by in uencing
both the bioavailability and distribution of IGF-I
in the extracellular environment, hold a crucial
position in IGF-I ligand-receptor interactions,
(Baxter, 2000, Clemmons, 1997). They demonstrat-
ed that IGF-I’s bioactivity was increased, but levels
of IGFBP1 and IGFBP3 are considerably decreased
in Hmga1-knockout mice. They hypothesize that,
under certain adverse metabolic conditions, func-
tional inactivation of HMGA1, by adversely affect-
ing the expression of both IGFBP proteins, may
re ect an adaptive mechanism to increase IGF-1’s
bioactivity, ensuring recruitment of Glut4 to mus-
cle plasma membrane and tissue glucose disposal.
However, the precise mechanisms by which these
compensatory circuits of glucose uptake are ac-
tivated and provide signals for the translocation
remain to be fully characterized and elucidated
(Iiritano, et al., 2012).
The importance of poorly adipocyte differentiated for
development and progression of insulin resistance is
witnessed (Gustafson, et al., 2015). HMGA1 can pro-
mote adipocyte differentiation, enhance the ability to
store fat, improve body of insulin sensitivity (Melillo,
et al., 2001). Two transcriptional factor, CCAAT/
enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) and retinoblas-
toma protein (RB), been considered plays an important
role in the process of adipocyte differentiation(Chen, et
al., 1996). A study found that HMGA1 is pivotal pro-
tein in adipocyte differentiation due to it involve in the
formation of the RB-C/EBP complex. They also found
that Hmga1-knockout embryonic stem cells dif cult to
undergo this process. This provided a result that HMGA1
may plays a crucial role in adipocyte differentiation,
in other words, pool adipocyte differentiation induce
insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes may relate to the
abnormal decreasing of HMGA1(Esposito, et al., 2009).
However, in the other study, they generated aP2-
HMGA1 transgenic mice which over-express HMGA1
in adipose tissues to discover the function of HMGA1
in vivo. They found that the genes involved in adipo-
cyte differentiation were down-regulated and preadi-
pocyte marker genes were up-regulated in white (WAT)
and brown (BAT) adipose tissue from aP2-HMGA1
transgenic mice. So, over-expression of HMGA1 lead
to impaired WAT and BAT creation through inhibiting
the adipogenic process and increasing adipose precursor.
Over-expression of HMGA1 can decrease body-weight
gain, reduce fat mass, but improve insulin sensitivity
and glucose tolerance when fed a high-fat diet. Interest-
Hao Kong et al.
ingly, this provide an evidence that aP2-HMGA1 trans-
genic mice were protected against diet-induced obesity
and insulin resistances (Arce-Cerezo, et al., 2015).
Some studies have found that human body can exist in
HMGAl-pseudogene (HMGA1-p), the abnomal increasing
of HMGAl-p expression can have effect on the expres-
sion of HMGA1 protein(Esposito, et al., 2015, Espos-
ito, et al., 2014). Targeted knockdown of HMGA1-p in
patient lymphoblasts can results in reciprocally increas-
ing HMGA1 mRNA stability and expression levels with
a parallel correction in cell-surface INSR expression and
insulin binding. A recombinant plasmid carrying the
entire HMGA1-p was generated and transiently trans-
fected into cultured human HeLa cells, caused decrease
in HMGA1 mRNA levels and in uence INSR gene tran-
scription. When silent HMGAl-p expressed, the level of
HMGA1 mRNA was restored, besides, the expression
of INSR mRNA and protein were up-regulated. Under
normal circumstances, CPl interacts with the region
of HMGA13’-UTR C-rich repeats, linked to stabiliza-
tion of HMGA1 mRNA. Due to the 3’terminal portion of
HMGA1-p maintains extensive sequence homology with
the HMGA1 3’-UTR. HMGA1-p can result in increased
HMGA1 mRNA degradation, decreased HMGA1 protein
expression, resulted in the deceasing of INSR expression
by competing for CP1(Chiefari, et al., 2010).
Strong genetic in uences and many polymorphisms
have been reproducibly associated with type 2 diabetes.
IVS5-13insC (c.136-14_136-13insC) is present at posi-
tion 13 of HMGA1 exon 6; Low-frequency insertion pol-
ymorphism IVS5-13insC has been identi ed and associ-
ated with insulin resistance and associated with insulin
resistance and type 2 diabetes among individuals of white
European ancestry and Chinese populations(Chiefari,
et al., 2011, Liu, et al., 2012, Lv, et al., 2015).
However, no similar association is observed in
another study involving Caucasians and populations of
African and Hispanic descent(Karnes, et al., 2013, Mar-
quez, et al., 2012, Pullinger, et al., 2014). Furthermore,
con icting results regarding the association of HMGA1
with type 2 diabetes and insuf cient data on diverse
ethnic groups have caused dif culty in performing clini-
cal translation of HMGA1 IVS5-13insC genotyping.
Results regarding the functional effect of the HMGA1
IVS5-13insC variant are also contradictory. On the one
hand, HMGA1 and INSR expressions decrease in dia-
betic carriers of IVS5-13insC compared with those of
wild-type diabetic and non-diabetic patients(Chiefari,
et al., 2011). INSR protein expression and insulin-bind-
ing capacity are also restored in lymphoblasts obtained
from diabetic IVS5-13insC carriers through HMGA1
DNA transfection. On the other hand, IVS5-13insC does
not affect HMGA1 or INSR expression in adipose tissues
of normoglycemic patients(Marquez, et al., 2012) and
also have not the association with the susceptibility of
DR in the Chinese T2DM cohort(Lv, et al., 2016).
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on patients
with type 2 diabetes have identi ed associations between
polymorphisms and mutations in some genes(Chiefari,
et al., 2013). These genes have been regarded as poten-
tial type 2 diabetes risk factors. However, current GWAS
fail to detect an association between the HMGA1 variant
IVS5-13insC and the presence of type 2 diabetes. To bet-
ter understand, some studies that include GWAS datasets
will help determine whether the IVS5-13insC shows a
consistent association with type 2 diabetes. However, the
direct mechanism by which this variant affects mRNA
expression or amino acid sequence remains unclear.
As we have shown above, HMGA1 mainly act as an
architectural tra nscription factor involved in glucose
homeostasis. Thus, many factors can induce type 2 dia-
betes by affecting its function of transcription regula-
tion. They are some examples for that:
Disrupt Self-regulatory mechanism: The HMGA1
gene been regulated by an oct amer motif, which was
identi ed as an important element of transcriptional
regulation. Based on the present study revealing that
Oct-1 and Oct-2 is crucial in modulating HMGA1 gene
and protein expression(Chiefari, et al., 2013). However,
HMGA1 can also transactivate octamer transcription
factor promoter, providing evidence for the existence of
an auto-regulatory circuit in which HMGA1 activates its
own transcription. If this mechanism is broken, sush as
Oct-1 gene variants, can also result in type2 diabetes(Ng,
et al., 2010).
Disrupt indirect regulatory mechanism: (1)HMGA1
and PKC: Incubation of skeletal muscle cell with FFA
for 6 h reduced HMGA1 protein exprerssion. But, in the
presence of eV1, a PKC translocation inhibitor pep-
tide, neither reduction nor phosphorylation of HMGA1
protein could be observed. These results suggest that
FFA-induced PKC inhibits insulin gene transcription
through the impairment of HMGA1(Dey, et al., 2007).
Some studies indicate that SFA’s inhibitory effect on
INSR expression is mediated through the kinase inde-
pendent phosphorylation of PKC, then migrates to
the nuclear region and phosphorylates HMGA1 that
retards its migration to INSR promoter which adversely
affects INSR mRNA expression. FRL, puri ed from
Hao Kong et al.
the leaves of Hibiscus mutabilis, can permit HMGA1 to
activate INSR promoter in skeletal muscle cells, which
improved INSR expression de ciency though blocking
PKC activation(Dasgupta, et al., 2011, Gogoi, et al.,
2014). This report can link up HMGA1 with overweight
is the risk factors for diabetes. (2) HMGA1 and NPM1: A
research focus on two human genes, the INSR genes and
the IGFBP1 genes, whose expression is directly regu-
lated by HMGA1. A study demonstrated that occupancy
of their promoters by HMGA1 was NPM1-dependent,
however, decrease in NPM1 abundance is followed by
increase in the occupancy of promoter DNA by HMGA1,
can resulting in increased promoter activity(Arnoldo,
et al., 2015). Thus, we put a hypothesis that free HMGA1
can up-regulate NPM1 expression in turn, re sulting
in decreased promoter activity. But, if NPM1 delete or
reduce excessively, broken this regulatory mechanism,
can affect normal function of HMGA1.
HMGAl plays a crucial role in blood sugar balance as a
structural transcription factor. HMGA1 can cause insulin
resistances and type 2 diabetes via changing it func-
tion. This is novel opinion for the pathogenesis of type
2 diabetes nearly 10 years. However, the exact biologi-
cal mechanism underlying the association between the
HMGA1 gene and risk of type 2 diabetes remains uncer-
tain. Thus, further more accurate studies on HMGA1 are
warranted to clarify in diabetes pathogenesis.
We believe that an individual with the decreas-
ing of HMGA1 has speci c clinical implications. First
of all, the presence of the levels of HMGA1 may pre-
dict responses to therapy. Type 2 diabetes treatment is
largely empirical and the prediction of speci c responses
to a therapeutic agent in any patient is dif cult(Karnes,
et al., 2013). Patients with type 2 diabetes and different
pathogeny may respond differently to speci c therapies,
such as an insulin sensitizer, because HMGA1 decrease
or variant de nes a speci c defect that decreases insulin
receptor concentrations and insulin resistance. Second,
individuals possessing functional HMGA1 and type 2
diabetes may have different clinical courses from other
patients with type 2 diabetes, including differences in
the development of complications. Third, the search for
new therapies for type 2 diabetes can include agents that
upregulate HMGA1 expression. Furthermore, HMGA1
can be regarded as a novel target of gene therapy for
type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
This work was supported by grants from the Natural
Scienti c Foundation of Shandong Province, China
(ZR2014CM046, ZR2010CQ031 and ZR2015CL019), the
Technology Development Project Plan of Shandong
Education Department (J13LL61 and J14LM54) and Col-
laborative Innovation Center of Chinese medicine anti-
virus in Shandong University of Traditional Chinese
Medicine (XTCX2014B01-07).
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