Rashmi Joshi and Raja
in the rearing bed affect spreading of the disease. The
majority of baculovirus host are within the order Lepi-
doptera. They have also been isolated from orders Dip-
tera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and some crustaceans,
(Hong et al., 2000).
According to Mallika (2006) the Grasserie infected
silkworm show disease symptom during the nal stage
of larval development and die without cocoon produc-
tion resulting in the waste of expense, time and labour
work therefore accountable for considerable economic
losses in the Indian silk industry. The incidence of Gras-
serie is reported in the silkworm rearing areas of the
entire district of Akola from Vidarbha region of Maha-
rashtra, throughout the year. This infection is dif cult
to cure due to a very short life cycle of silkworm. The
greatest way to manage Grasserie disease is to prevent
disease infection. However, the presumable most effec-
tive solution for the control of Grasserie disease is to
detect viral infection as early as possible in order to
stop spread of the disease in rearing units. Lack of rapid
and accurate disease detection technique causes severe
spread of Grasserie disease seasonally (Mallika, 2006).
Earlier, techniques have been developed to detect this
viral disease such as the enzyme-link immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) (Vanapruk et al., 1992), DNA hybridiza-
tion (Attathom et al., 1994), colloidal textile dye-based
dipstick immunoassay (Nataraju et al., 1994), and west-
ern blot analysis, (Chaeychomsri et al., 1995).
PCR is an extremely sensitive technique which ampli-
es target DNA sequences and PCR ampli cation of
conserved fragment enabled the detection of low level
of viral DNA (Mallika, 2006). It has been employed for
the detection of viral DNA such as human virus (Umlauft
et al., 1996), aminal virus (Peng et al., 1998) and plant
virus (Levesque, 2001). No such detection study so far
has been carried out for Grasserie virus in silkworms
from, Maharasthra. So in the present study we used PCR
technique and polyhedrin gene (polh) to detect early
infection of Grasserie virus (BmNPV) in silkworm Bom-
byx mori. This study will help to prevent the spread of
the Grasserie, and to eradicate this viral disease during
silkworm rearing.
The experimental silkworms were collected from the
local farmers in Akola district and were dissected for
the midgut tissue. The identi cation of diseased worms
infected with Grasserie in the elds initially was made
on the basis of gross pathology. Initially the skin shows
oily and shining appearance with progress of infection,
skin becomes thin and fragile and the midgut appeared
milky white with inter-segmental swelling (Photo plate-
I).The larvae infected with Grasserie in the rearing cent-
ers were found to be slightly sluggish.
For reliable and distinct PCR product in rapid detec-
tion, a set of speci c primers procured from Euro-
ns Genomics India pvt.ltd Bangalore, which is the
cloned nucleotide sequence within BmNPV polyhedrin
Primers – (bp -424 bp)
Forward primer: 5’ AATTCGCAGTGAAACCCG 3’
Reverse primer: 5’ AGAGTCTGTGCCGATGT
3’(Mallika, 2006)
The oligonucleotide sequences of forward primer began
from position 221-240 of polh ORF and reverse primer
began from 616-644 of polh ORF. These primers ampli-
ed a 424bp PCR product.
Using these primers PCR was performed on the basis
of studies by Mallika (2006) and using the prescribed
protocol for DNA extraction (Insect DNA extraction kit
Nucleopore, Genetix ltd.). DNA extracted from the mid-
gut tissue of the non infected healthy and infected 5
instar larvae of silkwormsare ampli ed with primers by
speci c polh BmNPV isolates
PCR Protocol: 1μl DNA sample (~50μl)
• Sterile water : 31μl
• Buffer : 5μl
• MgCl
: 2μl
• Template DNA : 1μl
• Forward primer : 1μl
• Reverse primer : 1μl
• Taq DNA : 1μl
After ampli cation the samples were loaded on 1% Aga-
rose gel and electrophoresis was run at 65 volts. The gel
was then stained with ethidium bromide and visualized
under UV illuminator (Gel Doc Machine).
The speci c pathogens that are dif cult to culture in
vitro or require a long cultivation period present in
the infected silkworms, was diagnosed by PCR. Simi-
lar method was earlier used for detection of Lyman-
tria dispar NPV (LdNPV) on the surface of an egg in
Gypsy moth, by Burand et al., (1992).It was preceded,
with extraction of DNA from experimental silkworms,
PCR ampli cation, followed by detection of amplicons
by visualization. Mid gut tissues of infected silkworm
moths were used to illustrate the Grasserie disease detec-
tion by PCR.
On Visualization the Gel, (Photo plate-II) it is reported
that DNA extracted from Grasserie BmNPV infected
silkworm yielded the ampli cation product of ~424bps