Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 435-438 (2016)
The relationship of job stress with self-ef cacy
among nurses working in hospitals of Semnan
University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Jamileh Mahdizadeh
, Faezeh Daihimfar
and Mehdi Kahouei*
Medical Faculty, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran.
Student Research Committee, Nursing and Allied Health Faculty, Semnan University of Medical Sciences,
Semnan, Iran
Social Determinant of Health Research Center, Nursing and Allied Health Faculty, Semnan University of
Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran
Department of Entomology and Agril. Zoology,Institute of Agricultural
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, India
The individual’s perception of stress is essential in its experience and on the other hand, the same stressful events
create different effects in people, so the question is whether capable nurses have more or less stress? This study was
conducted to determine the relationship between self-ef cacy and job stress among nurses. Participants in this study
were nursing staffs of af liated hospitals of Semnan University of Medical Sciences in Iran in 2015-2016. The results
showed that 62.7% of the nursing staffs who had not self-ef cacy, had mild job stress and between the levels of job
stress and self-ef cacy of the participants was signi cant (P<0.001). There were signi cant negative relationships
among role overload (B=- 0.26, P=0.003), role insuf ciency (B=-0 .58, P<0.001), role ambiguity (B=-0.455, P<0.001),
role boundary (B=-0.706, P<0.001) and responsibility (B=-0.207, P=0.022) with the participants’ self-ef cacy. The
results of this study showed that job stress among nurses in uences on the personal, emotional and cognitive effec-
tiveness in nurses and can bring some organizational outcomes such as reduced properly function in the workplace.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 27
July, 2016
Accepted after revision 7
Sep, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Mahdizadeh, Daihimfar and Kahouei
Health care workers experience stress in proportion to
their job involvement, which among them the nurses are
the largest service providers in the health system (Yazdi
Moghaddam, 2009) and in Iran, nurses account about
80 per cent of employment in the health care system
and nursing tasks (Farsi and et al., 2010). Nurses are at
the forefront of health care providers (Toloei and et al.,
2006), and in jobs where human contact is normally
more important, there are more stressful situations due
to unpredictable circumstances (Gholam Nezhad and
Nikpeyma, 2009).
On the other hand, apart from stress, self-ef cacy is
also of great importance in the nursing profession. Self-
ef cacy is a kind of personality factor having an impact
on dealing with environmental pressures. It is also an
important and effective concept in Bandura’s social cog-
nitive theory (2000). In this theory, cognitive processes
in human behavior play a decisive role. People with high
self-ef cacy choose more challenging to moderately
dif cult goals, feel more relaxed, believe in themselves
more, and show more insistent efforts (Pajares, 2002).
Since long-term job stresses lead to burnout, emotional
con ict, personality disorder, loss of sense of individual
acceptance of the work of other individuals in the work
environment (Motie and et al., 2010).
Thus, several studies have been conducted on occu-
pational stress among nurses. For example, Hayes et
al. (2015) in a study of over 194 public hospital nurses
in Thailand concluded that 26/2% of the studied sub-
jects suffered from severe job stress. In the study carried
out by Motie et al. (2010), it was shown that 51/7 of
studied nurses had moderate stress and %11 had severe
stress. Research shows that occupational self-ef cacy is
considered an important predictor of job performance
(Judge and Bono, 2001).
In this regard, some earlier studies have been con-
ducted on the ef cacy of nurses, Olson et al. (2012),
where it has been shown that the individual’s self-ef -
cacy beliefs has in uence on the behavior, effort and
the time spent for dealing with resistance against stress.
Some studies have also shown the association between
increased ef cacy and improved performance of nurses.
For instance, studies by Lim and et al. (2004), indicate
that understanding the synergies in the self-ef cacy of
nurses can improve nursing and professional measures
and ultimately leads to improved clinical practices to
patient care in the nursing profession. The above studies
show that stress status and self-ef cacy among nurses
are frequently studied, yet the relationship between these
two categories among nurses has not been analyzed. On
the one hand, because stress is not always caused by
stressful sources, but the individual’s perception of stress
is essential in its experience and on the other hand, the
same stressful events create different effects in people,
so the question is whether capable nurses have more or
less stress? This study was conducted to determine the
relationship between self-ef cacy and job stress among
Participants in the present study were nursing staffs of
af liated hospitals of Semnan University of Medical Sci-
ences in Iran in 2015-2016. Census sampling was used in
this study. A total of 532 questionnaires were distributed;
424 were returned, which represented a response rate of
79.6%. Ethics approval was obtained from the Semnan
University of Medical Ethics Committee (IR.SEMUMS.
REC.1394.196). A covering letter was prepared for dis-
tribution with the survey document, which described the
purposes of the study and explained that a response to
the survey would indicate the consent of the participant
to take part in the research. It also assured participants
of the con dentiality of their responses.
Two questionnaires were used in this study. It was
divided into  ve sections. The  rst questionnaire was
Osipow’s job stress questionnaire. It has been included
60 questions and six sections such as role overload, role
insuf ciency, role ambiguity, role boundary, responsibil-
ity and physical environmental. The second question-
naire was Scherer’s self-ef cacy questionnaire. It has
been included 17 questions. The participants’ attitudes
on each item were measured on a 5-point Likert type
scale, where very low=1, low=2, somewhat=3, high=4
and very high=5. The questionnaires have been distrib-
uted and returned to the researcher within 72 hours.
Means and standard deviations, in dependent- sam-
ples T and liner regression were used to analyze the data.
78.1% was female, 94.6% had bachelor degree and
age average was 32.6. (Table1) 62.7% of the nursing
staffs who had not self-ef cacy, had mild job stress
and between the levels of job stress and self-ef cacy
of the participants was signi cant (P<0.001). (Table2)
There were signi cant negative relationships among
role overload (B=- 0.26, P=0.003), role insuf ciency
(B=-0 .58, P<0.001), role ambiguity (B=-0.455, P<0.001),
role boundary (B=-0.706, P<0.001) and responsibility
(B=-0.207, P=0.022) with the participants’ self-ef cacy.
Results of the present study showed that there was a
signi cant relationship between the level of job stress
and self-ef cacy in the nurses. The  ndings suggest that
Mahdizadeh, Daihimfar and Kahouei
Table1: Nursing staffs’ characteristics
Characteristics Groups N %
sex Male 93 21.9
Female 330 78.1
Education Bachelor degree 401 94.6
Master degree 22 5.4
Age (Year) *32.6±9.9
Work experiences
* 8.82±7.54
*Mean ± SD
the level of job stress in uences on nurses’ ability to
control and deal with problems. In addition, the results
showed that the increase in the role overload of nurses
contributes to their 0.26% reduced ef cacy. Nurses
experience stress if they do not have enough time to do
their psychological support for patients or the number of
employees is not suf cient to cover the work (Dickinson
and Wright, 2008).
In a study by Lee and Wrong (2002), the main stress-
ful factors were workload and responsibilities of the
role. The results indicated that as the amount of work
by nurses at the same time increases, their beliefs about
their ability to cope in certain situations and deal with
problems are reduced (Burgess and et al., 2010; Brackett
and et al., 2010). The results showed that the nurses’
feelings of their role insuf ciency contribute to %58 in
their reduced self-ef cacy impact.
The data of an investigation, by Yousse an et al.
(2015), showed that the mean score of role insuf ciency
among operating room staff was 33.6. Also the study
carried out by Bahrami et al. (2012), showed that 64.9%
of self-insuf cient nurses had stress. In another study by
Abdi and Shahbazi (2002) 54.1% of nurses were found to
be suffering from stress in this area. The results showed
that when nurses feel that their work environment needs
are inconsistent with their skills and education, they are
less able to control stressful events in their life and can-
not in uence or manage the stressful situations in order
to realize their desirable future and prevent adverse out-
comes. This situation rears worries, disappointments and
discouragement among nurses (Bandura, 2000). Results
showed that increasing role ambiguity in nurses to 0.455
contributes in reducing self-ef cacy. Yousse an et al’s
study (2015) also showed that the average stress among
nurses in the operating room was 36.59.
Recently, Raj (2016) also found that 40.5% of ICU
nurses in hospitals suffer from role ambiguity. The
results suggest that if nurses are ambiguous in their
nursing tasks, and are not able to properly assess them,
or in other words they are unaware of the priorities and
expectations of the workplace and benchmark value, it
can lead to nurses to choose simple purposes instead of
challenging or fairly dif cult ones. It means that they
are not able to visualize assignments as challenges that
must dominate over them, hence they will not feel calm;
they cannot believe themselves more and show less
effort in their profession. As a result, they cannot take
advantage of more useful learning strategies, their pow-
erful abilities for remembering and reminding to func-
tion better in their assignments (Pajares, 2002).
The results of this study showed that the role bound-
ary contributes 0.706 to reduced self-ef cacy among
nurses. Bahrami et al.(2012), found that male nurses
were more stressful than female nurses in terms of role
boundary. Abdi and Shahbazi (2002) found that 62.5%
of ICU nurses were within the range of stressful occupa-
tional role boundary. The results suggest that if nurses
feel that there is a con ict between their work conscience
and expected role, they feel that they are no longer able
to do any successful task and lose the required motiva-
tion to do anything (Pajares , 2002). So the nurses can-
not properly judge on their ability to perform the tasks
speci ed in the framework of their professional career
(Betz and Hackett, 1981).
Table2: The relationship between self-ef cacy and
job stress level of the participants
Self-ef ciency
Job stress level
Is there self-ef cacy? P-value
N (%)
N (%)
Normal 10 (16.9) 26 (7.1)
Mild 37 (62.7) 295 (80.8)
Moderate 10 (16.9) 44 (12.1)
Table 3: Regression between job stress components with the nursing staffs’ self-ef cacy
Job stress components R
Adjusted R
F B SD Beta T P-value
Role overload 0.021 0.019 9.025 -0.26 0.086 -0.145 -3.004 0.003
Role insuf ciency 0.08 0.078 38.925 -0.58 0.095 -0.284 -6.077 P<0.001
Role ambiguity 0.083 0.081 38.12 -0.455 0.074 -0.288 -6.174 P<0.001
Role boundary 0.09 0.088 41.624 -0.706 0.109 -0.30 -6.452 P<0.001
Responsibility 0.012 0.01 5.296 -0.207 0.09 -0.111 -2.301 0.022
Physical environmental 0.000 -0.002 0.204 -0.03 0.067 -0.022 -0.451 0.652
Mahdizadeh, Daihimfar and Kahouei
The  ndings of this study showed that the sense of
responsibility among nurses contributes to 0.207 in
reducing their self-ef cacy. Lee and Wong found that
accountability was a most important job stress among
nurses (Lee and Wong, 2002). Recently Raj (2016) has
showed that 48.9% of ICU nurses had stress in terms of
Bahramie et al. (2012), had earlier found that male
nurses had more stress than female nurses in terms of
responsibility role. The  ndings suggest that if nurses
in the their workplace feel more stress than their coun-
terparts, or in other words they feel more ef ciency and
sense of responsibility for the welfare of others in the
workplace, this leads to more nurses do less effort to
cope and deal with their problems, and recognize them-
selves weak and inef cient and easily give up and feel
depressed, anxious and hopeless.
The results of this study showed that job stress among
nurses in uences on the personal, emotional and cogni-
tive effectiveness in nurses and can bring some organi-
zational outcomes such as reduced properly function in
the workplace. Ultimately, this situation can lead to an
increased absences, resignation, decreased job satisfac-
tion, organizational commitment in nurses. The results
of this study with the aim of the help to further under-
standing of personal risk and protective factors and
their mechanisms can be used in interference planning
so as to promote and protect the health of nurses against
stressors factors.
We would like to thank the Clinical Research Develop-
ment Unit of Kowsar and Amiralmomenin Educational,
Research and Therapeutic Centers of Semnan Uiversity
of Medical Sciences for providing facilities to this work.
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