Sirilak Somredngan and Wachiryah Thong-asa
ply that help survive of cells in this penumbra-like area
in CCH model(Choy et al. 2006, Coyle and Panzenbeck
1990).The ipsilateral cerebral blood reduction in rCCAO
mice returned to normal level with 4 weeks was reported
(Yoshizaki et al. 2008), however, hemispheric perfusion
asymmetry was found in some challenge situation such
as hypercapnia. It was report about progressively less
pronounced with time but a slight asymmetry still per-
sists one month after unilateral carotid occlusion(Ley et
al. 1985). This hemodynamic insuf cient might last long
as the artery was occluded. Early affected of CCH was
on cognitive behavior while pathological appearance
of damaged neuron not signi cantly presented as has
been reported by Thong-asa et al. (2013), Thong-asa and
Tilokskulchai (2014) and Thong-Asa (2015).
Unlike present study, spatial learning and memory in
the acquisition trial and probe did not affected but learn-
ing exibility. The difference between acquisition and
reversal paradigm in the MWM produced a difference
outcome of stress and lead to difference effect on syn-
aptic density of the hippocampus. The divergent effects
of experiences on CA3 hippocampal synaptic activity,
i.e. stress as a suppressor and learning as a promoter
of synaptic plasticity (Sandi et al. 2003). Susceptibil-
ity of cognition type to CCH found in the present study
might involve stress inducing during reversal paradigm
as well. Learning exibility associated with prefrontal
cortex-basal ganglia circuitry while spatial acquisition
was hippocampal-dependent cognitive type. It was not
surprising that hippocampus-dependent learning ability
in acquisition trial did not correlate with hippocampus
infarction found in the present study.
The percentage of infarction area in the hippocam-
pus higher than the frontal cortex and striatum but it
was not signi cantly different until 8 weeks. There was
a report suggested that hippocampal-dependent spatial
learning only requires a minislab (down to 26% of total)
of dorsal hippocampal tissue (Moser et al. 1995).
The present study found infarction area not more
than 25% and not all of this area appear dead. It is
interesting that how long after appearance of signi cant
infarction in the hippocampus that the spatial learning
and memory in the acquisition paradigm will appear?
There are reports suggesting about increase of locomo-
tor activity and mental confusion such as anxiety-like
behavior in the ischemic experimental animals(Milot
and Plamondon 2009, Plamondon and Khan 2005) and
these factors might involve facilitation of cognitive abil-
ity in the cognitive tasks. Early after ischemic onset as
24 hours and 1 week, it appeared signi cantly anxiolytic
promoting of ischemia.This anxiolytic promoting disap-
peared in long term as time-dependent effects of global
cerebral ischemia. These reports provided data only
ischemic-reperfusion model unlike in the present study.
We assessed anxiety-like behavior at 2, 4 and 8 weeks of
CCH model and we found only trend that UCO mice had
higher open arm entries and duration than Sham with
no signi cant difference. We rst report about anxiety-
like behavior in CCH mice model, and it did not involve
or facilitate the cognitive abilities in this study.
In conclusion, the present study suggested that mild
CCH induced by permanent right common carotid artery
occlusion in ICR mice induce reversible learning ex-
ibility de cit but not memory of the reverse platform
location paradigm of the MWM. Our study imply about
cognitive type susceptible to mild CCH in ICR mice and
it was the learning exibility.
We would like to thank Department of Zoology, Fac-
ulty of Science, Kasetsart University for research facility
and assistance. This work was supported by a grant from
Graduate School, Kasetsart University.
Con ict of interest:
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